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Recent news

New ideas

J. Parkes July 2012


With the realization that so many local Assisted Living Facilities in South, Fl have no Registered Nurses (RN) on staff, we are preparing to better equip their provision of healthcare services by making RN's available at costs that can be realized by even the smallest ALF with lower revenue clients.

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Latest projects

C. Long-Parkes July 2012


We're here to help the small practioner. ICD-10 will become the new coding standard for all practioners in 2015 and even small offices will need to transition to this new method of billing clients. We will begin rolling out coaching seminars in the Fall of 2014 to better prepare our providers. Stay tuned!

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Our new app

J. Parkes July 2012


We've just released our new mobile website and are currently working our our new mobile app to be released in 2015 that will allow our clients to interact directly with our providors and vice-versa, in an effort to always increase cost effeciency and reduce the time of healthcare deliverery.

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